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A to Z Challenge – Letter A

The letter A is for Application or App.  

Not that long ago, I was trying to explain what an app was to my then 90 year old grandmother while we were watching the news together.  The news channel was advertising getting up to the minute information using their app. I will alway remember her asking me, “What is an app?”  At that moment, I was trying to think of how to explain an app so she would understand how you would use it. Mind you, she understood the great strives we have made with technology and the internet.  I wasn’t sure if she understood the use of a smartphone. Don’t get me wrong she had her flip phone she used to keep in touch with all of us, but it wasn’t like she used it for texting. I turn to her sitting on the couch in the living room, “Well, Gram it is something you put on your phone so no matter where you are at, you can see things like the weather and the news.”  She frowned trying to grasp how it would get to your phone. I can remember pulling out my IPhone to show her how you would download the app and telling her it was like the internet except you always had it with you instead of it being on your computer.  

Apps have become a part of my everyday life.  I use them daily without even thinking. I use social media apps for multiple reasons, to keep in touch with friends and family, to advertise, as a learning tool.  They can be used to find a new recipe or if you are looking for directions. We have ride share apps to help us get around. Restaurants have apps for ordering and delivering which helped their business stay alive in these dire times. In the last few weeks, my niece and nephew have used apps for e learning to help bridge the gap they are missing being home.  

There are many different ways apps can be used.  Who would have thought an eight year old boy could make millions using an app.  There is an app for almost everything. Technology has grown by leaps in bounds.      

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A to Z Challenge

This year I am going to participate in the A to Z  Blog Challenge.  For those of you who don’t know the A to Z Blog Challenge is to create a blog post starting with each letter of the alphabet each day of the week for the month of April excluding the weekends.  You can create your own theme if you would like or have random post each day with relating to something that starts with that letter of the alphabet.

I thought it would be an outlet to express my creativity along with help with my writing. I think this is a good outlet to express your creative outlet.  I haven’t settled on a theme as of yet, but I think I should think of one soon.  I was thinking of favorite songs and their meaning to me.   I’m hoping this is a fun exercise for the upcoming month.


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Our Crazy World

I know the past few weeks have been challenging for everyone.  In the US we have found this pandemic to be overwhelming.  Many of our states are on lock down and people are only leaving the house for essential needs.  It makes you think of all of the good things you have in your life.  We hope and pray this disease does not spread like wild fire like they are predicting, so we are taking all of the precautions necessary.

I am thankful I am able to work from home.  I feel like I am one of the lucky ones.  I’m hopeful that once we are able to get out and about people will go back to there old ways of life.  It would help the company I work for and many others.  I feel for all of the business effected by this pandemic especially the small businesses.  I hope everyone can recover from this time.  I know that is my optimism.

I hope everyone who reads this is doing well and is healthy.  My family is healthy and we are making the best of spending all the time together.  Yesterday, I spent time on a zoom call with extended family, so we could see each other.  It was nice to be able to see everyone and know they are all doing well.  It funny the different ways of communication you come up with to stay in touch with each other.  Its such a relief to know everyone is doing well.

I can’t say it enough as silly as somethings may seem adhere to the rules put in place for the time being.  Hopefully, social distancing will be a thing of the past and we will be able to have our family gatherings and vacations soon.  The alternative is not something you would want to share with anyone.


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Coming Soon – Newsletter

Staring the beginning of February, I will be sending out a newsletter with everything that will be happening in the coming year.  You don’t want to be left out, sign up for the newsletter through the link below.  You never know there might be a give away.

Sign up for Becky Kapjon’s newsletter below.



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Are you loyal to an author or a genre?

At any time I will have five to seven projects in the works, so I have enough material to keep writing.  The last two ideas I came up with were in a different genre than what I normally write.  I normally write contemporary romance.  The majority of my ideas have been for contemporary romance novels.  There is a series I would like to start which is sports related, but it is still a contemporary romance.  The two new projects are paranormal romance.  The one I can see becoming a series and the other would be a stand alone.  I am wondering if this would be a good idea to have in my rotation of ideas or if it is something to put on the back burner.  I get different ideas all the time, so its nice  like I am at a loss for ideas.  Part of me would like to write a paranormal story and see where it would good.  Another part of me wants to build my brand and get a following before writing in a different genre.  There are so many what ifs.

Would you read a book from an author that is not part of their usual genre?

Let me know your answer in the comments.

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