authors, contemporary romance, marketing, publishing, romance, writers

Why Can’t We All Just Get Along

I’ll never understand why people will knock other people down instead of extending a helping hand.  I’m the type of person who would help a stranger, so I don’t know understand why someone wouldn’t help someone else out.  In the writing industry, you need to make friends and you need to help each other if you want to be successful.  I have come across some of the best people and some of the worst people.  There are very few people who want to help you succeed.  I can’t understand why you wouldn’t want someone else to succeed in this industry.  If I am a success, I can help you become a success.  If you are a success, you can help me become a success.  In the end it is a numbers game.  The more people you have to help you promote your book, the more potential buyers you have which means more potential sales.  Anymore the majority of people I have met are out for themselves or want something for nothing.  I have always thought if you want something bad enough you will work for it.  In this case, these people don’t want to put the work in to get the results.  They want you to do all the work, but want to reap the benefits of your work.  I’m not writing this to be a Debbie Downer. I am truly writing this because I am astonished at the audacity of some people.  Tonight, I was part of a release party for a fellow indie author.  I really felt like I was part of something.  I would help my fellow author because I forged the relationship with her.  I know she will help me when the time comes for my release.  These are the types of relationships I want to make.  I want to be able to help others and in return can count on their help.  Just remember, when someone asks for your ideas or help, lend the helping hand.  You never know who you might be helping.

#authors #writers #romance #contemporaryromance #marketing

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